Naruto Sword Of The Thunder God

TheNaruto Sword Of The Thunder God

Storm God Naruto

Flying Thunder God Kunai (飛雷神クナイ, Hiraishin Kunai) are custom-made 3-leaf / 3-sided kunai from the anime series Naruto. They are signature tools of Minato Namikaze, who uses it in conjunction with his Space–Time Ninjutsu: the Flying Thunder God Technique.

  • Not to mention neither learned any new jutsu. Kaguya was basically able to melt Sasukes Susanoo, and nearly killed naruto a couple times, most likely had the ability to absorb ninjutsu, but somehow naruto was able to use his multiple rasengan tailed beast move against her after cutting her off with a chakra sword.
  • As shown in Aoi's fight with Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, the blade was shown to not only be able to easily cut through any solid object, but also through chakra-based substances as well.
  • TheKusanagi Swordis theKusanagiof Japanese legend.Orochimaruretrieves his Kusanagi by opening his mouth and extending a snake which then opens its mouth and produces the sword. Orochimaru was seen producing the sword handle first so he could use it freely, or blade first to attack his opponent instantly. The sword can quickly extend and retract its blade to attack from long distances,be.


In the beginning, there was a massacre. A nine-tailed demon fox, Kyubi, has attacked Konoha, the Hidden Leaf Village. The tails were creating massive hurricanes with each swing. Monstrous earthquakes each step. And shockwaves each roar. But even such a powerful beast could not drive the storm cloud away. The beast looked even more terrifying in the heavy rain, which ironically seemed beautiful in whatever moon light broke through the clouds, disturbed only by fire and lightning.


The shinobi of the Leaf were doing everything they could to stop the creature, but no matter what they tried, all was futile. It was not the size of the beast that was the problem, nor was it's power. No. It was rather the fact it was nothing more than chakra that has taken form and substance. And therefore… it was immortal. But the konoha-nin could not just stand there and watch as the beast goes ravaging their village.

'HOLD YOUR POSITIONS AND WAIT FOR THE FOTH HOKAGE TO ARRIVE!' One shinobi screamed. There were some who had hoped that the man known as the Forth Hokage will be able to defeat the demon.

The Kyubi came closer. The youngest of the ninjas were about to run away. A giant paw with razor sharp claws was coming down on them.

Sword of the thunder god

But the fox was stopped.

A powerful stream of water hit the Nine-tails, forcing it to move backwards. The konoha-nin who survived moved back, trying to clear the battle ground. The Forth Hokage arrived standing on top of the summoned toad's head. The hokage began to make hand seals. Soon the Forth along with his summon and Kyubi clashed in a mortal combat.

The battle lasted for hours. The storm merely got stronger and stronger. Every second there was a lightning and a thunder, which only made the fire stronger, despite a stronger downpour. To those who watched the battle, it seemed as if the end of the world has come. Barely any forest left. It was hell on earth.

Finally, the Fourth Hokage decided to use the only thing he knew that could stop the fox. He threw several kunais around the demon and to the beast's surprise it was trapped in some strange kind of chains. It tried to move. But couldn't. The champion of the Hidden Leaf formed the 'ram' seal and started to molt chakra. His summon was extremely exhausted, but stood ready to assist if necessary. The Fourth however knew the truth. This was going to be his final jutsu.

But the Fox had to be stopped.

No matter the cost.

But the Kage has underestimated the power of the bijuu. The trap began to break. Damn it. The Fourth hasn't gathered enough chakra yet. The toad shot a water bullet in hope to buy some time for his friend. But it failed. Its attack hit and disappeared like it was nothing. Summon was too weak. The demon was close.

Then it happened.

An enormous lightning, from what the witness could tell, hit the ground between the bijuu and a giant toad. A blinding light quickly disappeared. And there was something the Fourth Hokage, the only person to see this, has not been expecting.

The Kyubi was being held by, what it seemed like, a giant figure made of pure storm clouds. It was covered with a cloak with thunders on it. Eight lightning bolts were rotating clockwise just behind its back. Strapped to the figures waist was a massive sword. Or maybe it was a club. The Fourth could not tell. The giant turned around to look at the human, still not letting go of the demon. What the Konoha's champion saw freaked him out.

The eyes. The whites were pitch black. The iris was some strange shade of purple and the pupil, or rather pupils, were shaped like two, vertically positioned, yellow thunders facing one another surrounded by eight yellow points. The Kage knew immediately, who he was facing. The thunder god, Raijin. For only he possess the eye of storm.

The human quickly regained his focus. He knew that even though the god himself arrived to aid Konoha, even he had his limits. The Fox roared. Raijin however stood still. He would not loosen his grab. The demon roared again. The thunder god pushed the bijuu back with all his might and summoned six pillars of pure lightning to restrain the beast. The Kyubi however was not foolish. It swung its tails and threw the attack aside. It charged at the god of thunders. Once within its reach, the bijuu sank its fangs in the arm of its opponent. The two were struggling.

Soon, the Forth Hokage ready. All was in place. He wanted to call to Raijin to stand back, but he looked into the god's eye he understood, that it wasn't an option. He would make a sacrifice of himself if it meant to save the human world. The Kage had no option but to follow the wish.

All Naruto Swords

People of Konoha, who were far away from the fight, in the most secure place of their entire village, were terrified. They kept hear the rumbles, the roars, the screams. The old people were trembling. The children crying and the rest were desperate. Even the shinobi who were guarding the people had fear in their eyes. Everyone was certain they were going to die. They didn't want to thing bad of their hokage. But hope had a mortal facing something that powerful. Sure, The Fourth Hokage had the reputation of the most powerful ninja to ever exist in the world of shinobi. After all, he was the one who single- handily wiped out an entire army during the freshly- ended Third Great Shinobi War. But still, He was a mortal human. Fighting a demon. No. Fighting the STRONGEST of the nine tailed beasts.

There was no hope.

The Yondaime's Legacy Chapter 11: The Return To Konoha, A ...


And then… a white light illuminated the sky. The storm ceased and began to clear from the skies as the strange light disappeared with a loud roar of the final thunder. Now the light of dawn shines upon the landscape. Most of the forest burned, they would be green again soon. The Kyubi was no where to be seen. There was only the body of the Fourth laying on the ground. Silence fell upon the terrain. Silence disturbed only by a cry. A cry of a baby.